The Complete Cinnamon Bear
(7 CD Set, 64 Page Book, DVD)
Save when you buy The Complete Cinnamon Bear Set. Includes the beloved Christmastime Cinnamon Bear serial that’s been a radio favorite since 1937. With Jimmy and Judy Barton searching for the Silver Star on an exciting journey with Paddy O’Cinnamon. The bonus CD with the promotional message created to introduce the new Cinnamon Bear series about to debut on the radio. The Cinnamon Bear Book featuring a delightful remembrance of the classic radio serial. With story synopsis, personal recollections, a reproduction of the original Cinnamon Bear coloring book and more. Compiled and edited by Chuck Schaden and illustrated by Brian Johnson. Soft cover, 64 pages. A DVD with three Chapters of the Cinnamon Bear series created for television using the radio soundtrack hand puppets.