Great Christmas Shows - Vol.1
(6 hours on 6 Compact Discs)
GREAT CHRISTMAS SHOWS Volume 1– CAVALCADE OF AMERICA (12-25-44) America for Christmas; CHALLENGE OF THE YUKON (12-22-48) Man with the Red Coat; CHARLIE McCARTHY SHOW (12-19-48) with The Bickersons, Mario Lanza, Mortimer Snerd; DRAGNET (12-22-53) Statue missing from Mission Church; GREAT GILDERSLEEVE (12-22-48) Gildy wants a simple Christmas this year; GUNSMOKE (12-20-52) How the folks in Dodge City celebrate Christmas; JACK BENNY PROGRAM (12-19-48) Jack Christmas shops for a wallet for Don Wilson; LIFE OF RILEY (12-24-44) Riley invites his bosses son for Christmas; OUR MISS BROOKS (12-24-50) Miss Brooks’ ‘magic” Christmas tree; PHIL HARRIS-ALICE FAYE SHOW (12-26-48) Phil hasn’t received a gift from his sponsor; SIX SHOOTER (12-20-50) Britt Ponset’s Christmas carol; TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES (12-20-47) Warmhearted Christmas for a WW II veteran.