Christmas On The Homefront DOWNLOAD
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Eight complete broadcasts from the Golden Age of Radio, designed to bring holiday spirit to the Home Front during World War II.
FIBBER McGEE AND MOLLY (12-16-41) Eight days after America’s entry into World War II McGee has cut down his own Christmas tree. Show opens with “The National Emblem March”. Martha Tilton sings “Thank Your Lucky Stars and Stripes.” Johnson’s Wax, NBC. JACK BENNY PROGRAM (12-21-41) Jack is planning a Christmas party and claims many big stars will be attending. As Jack and Mary leave to prepare for the party, Dennis sings Christmas carols. Jell-O, NBC. THE GREAT GILDERSLEEVE (12-20-42) With Christmas coming, Gildy has been so busy at the Water Department that he’s been neglecting Leila. Kraft, NBC. CAVALCADE OF AMERICA (12-21-42) “A Child Is Born” stars Alfred Lunt and Lynn Fontanne in an original play about the Nativity, DuPont, NBC. KRAFT MUSIC HALL (12-16-43) Bing Crosby stars, with Ukie, The Charioteers, The Music Maids and Lee, Trudy Erwin, announcer Ken Carpenter, John Scott Trotter and the Orchestra, and guests Joan Davis and Phil Silvers. Bing sings “White Christmas”. Kraft, NBC. SUSPENSE (12-23-43) “Back For Christmas” Peter Lorre as an eccentric botany professor plants a “Devil’s Garden” in his cellar just before he and his wife are due to sail to America. Announcer Frank Martin. Roma Wines, CBS. LIFE OF RILEY (12-17-44) Riley receives a package marked “Do Not Open Until Christmas. American Meat Institute, NBC BLUE. CHARLIE McCARTHY SHOW (12-24-44) Bergen promised Charlie a gift if he can memorize “’Twas the Night Before Christmas.” Professor Gazolla gives Charlie a voice lesson. Don Ameche reads “The American Prayer.” AFRS